What is Dynamic Lighting ?

Dynamic lighting, also known as human centric lighting, is syncing the body’s biological clock with artificial lighting. Whenever we watch sunrise and sunset, it gives us a signal to our body that whether we need to be active or are we done for the day.

Background: Since ancient times humans have planned the day according to sunrise and sunset. Now, both medical and engineering science is backing up that artificial light must be used in syncronization with sunlight to increase alertness or set mood for the body to relax.

Our body produces two types of hormones. The first one is Cortisol, which instructs body to remain alert/active. This is produced during morning and can be linked with Sunrise. The another one is melatonin which instructs body to relax. This is produced in evening and can be linked with Sunset (darkness).

Our body follows Circadian rhythm (Approx. 24 hrs cycle). The Cortisol production increases during daytime and decreases during evenings and vice versa happens with Melatonin. If our body gets wrong signal during night time then it may disrupt our circadian rhythm.

Pyrotech, offers dynamic lighting through which each and every luminaire can not only be color controlled but also dimmed as per specific requirements of the individual. All this can be controlled centrally using a dimming protocol such as DALI.

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